Assassins' Guild
From Talisman Wiki
Card info
Title: Assassins' Guild
Variant: Revealed
Ending Rules
- In order to use this Alternative Ending, you you must be playing with the rest of the City expansion.
- Whenever a character starts his turn and does not have any Wanted Posters, he may draw 1 from the top of the deck.
- Whenever a character claims the bounty on a Wanted Poster, the Wanted Poster is not discarded. Instead, the card is kept facedown in the character's play area.
- If a character is killed he may keep up to 3 of his facedown Wanted Posters.
- The first character to reach the Crown of Command with 4 or more facedown Wanted Posters wins the game!
Copies of this Card: 1 ( 1 in The City Expansion; )