Category talk:Spell Card

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Clarifications about spells

A player cannot cast a Spell unless he has a legal target. For example, you cannot cast Mesmerism if your opponents do not have any Followers.

Spells that are cast "instead of rolling the die for movement" cannot be used unless you are able to roll a die for movement following the standard rules for movement. For example, a character cannot cast Teleport in the Inner Region because players do not roll a die for movement in the Inner Region (see also Blizzard).

As a general rule, any effects or abilities that allow a character to evade must be resolved first, before any other Spells or abilities are used. You cannot for example, cast Finger of Death on your opponent and then cast Cloak of Shadows to evade him.

If you are instructed to gain a Spell and you already have all the Spells you're allowed, the correct procedure is not to draw anything (i.e. you DON'T “draw and discard”).

Don't forget the limit to spells that can be cast by a player during his turn: the number of spells he has at the beginning of his turn (see also Sage) , and only one during other players' turn.

Some characters have abilities that make them draw spells at the start of the turn, and some spells are to be “cast at the beginning of your turn”: in this case, the “spell-drawing” comes BEFORE the “spell casting”.

House Rule

To help alleviate the problem of 2 players wishing to cast a Spell at the same time, it is advisable to make a player say the keyword "Spellcasting" outloud before he casts his Spell. The first player to declare this, gets to cast his Spell before the other player is able to cast his Spell!