Crown of Command (Cataclysm Board)

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Crown of Command (Cataclysm Board)

Space info

Space: Crown of Command (Cataclysm Board)

Region: Inner Region (Cataclysm Board)

The Cataclysm Crown of Command has no text on the space.

The Crown of Command’s use in stopping the Cataclysm has left it forever altered; while it has grown more powerful, it has also grown more dangerous and erratic.

When using the Cataclysm board, the default victory condition is listed on “The Eternal CrownAlternative Ending.

Number of Crown of Command (Cataclysm Board) spaces in the game: 1 ( 1 in the Inner Region (Cataclysm Board);)

TalismanMarker : this symbol marks the space position on the board.
