Dark Fate

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Each fate token has two sides: a gold side and a dark blue side. A fate token with its dark blue side faceup is a dark fate.
Once per die roll, a player may spend one fate token (returning it to the stockpile) to reroll one die a character has just rolled under the following circumstances:

  1. A die rolled for a character's movement.
  2. A die rolled to determine a character's attack roll.
  3. A die rolled due to the instructions on a card or board space.

A player may only spend dark fate to reroll a die that another character just rolled.

The player who just made a roll has the option to spend light fate to reroll his own die before another player can spend dark fate to force him to reroll his die.

If a player rerolls a die because a fate was spent, he must accept the new result. Another fate (light or dark) cannot be spent to reroll the same die again.

If a player rolls multiple dice (for example, the Dice with Death space in the Inner Region), fate (light or dark) can be spent to only reroll one of them.

Fate placed on a card is considered to be a token and counts as neither light or dark fate while it is on a card. If fate on a card is either gained or spent, it may be gained or spent as either light or dark fate.

Each character starts the game with a number of fate tokens equal to the fate value listed on his character card. He chooses whether each of his starting fate is either dark fate or light fate.

A player may not spend fate tokens to reroll a die used to determine a creature’s attack roll or any other roll made for a creature.