Jin Blooded
From Talisman Wiki
Card info
Character: Jin Blooded
Start: City
Alignment: Neutral
Strength: 2
Craft: 4
Life: 4
Fate: 4
Special Abilities
- You begin the game with 2 Spells.
- At the start of your turn, you may discard 1 of your Spells to gain 1 fate.
- When your turn ends, you may spend 1 fate to draw 1 Spell, if your Craft allows.
- Whenever another character casts a Spell on you, your space or one of your cards, you may either gain 1 fate or spend 2 fate to bind that Spell. If you bind the Spell it has no effect and you may immediately cast it on a new target, ignoring Region and timing restrictions. If you do not use the Spell, it is discarded.
Copies of this Card: 1 ( 1 in The Firelands Expansion; )