From Talisman Wiki
Card info
Title: Lightbearers
Variant: Revealed
Ending Rules
- In order to use this Alternative Ending, you must be playing with the rest of the Blood Moon expansion.
- All players start the game with characters of good alignment. Characters are always good; if an effect changes a character's alignment, he loses 1 life instead.
- At the start of the game, each character must take 2 fate from the stockpile and place them on this card. Whenever Night falls, discard 1 fate from this card. If the last fate is discarded, the game ends and all players lose. If a character enters the Crown of Command before the last fate is discarded, all players win the game!
- Characters cannot attack each other. Instead, characters may freely exchange gold, Objects, and Followers when they encounter each other.
- If 2 or more characters are on the same space, they may add their Strength value or Craft value together during battle or psychic combat.
Copies of this Card: 1 ( 1 in The Blood Moon Expansion; )