Tavern (Base Game Board)

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Tavern (Base Game Board)

Space info

Space: Tavern

Region: Outer Region

"You must roll the die for the following results":

  1. You get blind drunk and collapse in a corner. Miss 1 turn.
  2. You get tipsy and get in a fight with a farmer (STRENGTH 3).
  3. You gamble and lose 1 Gold Coin.
  4. You gamble and win 1 Gold Coin.
  5. A wizard offers to teleport you to an Outer Region space of your choice as your next move.
  6. A boatman offers to ferry you to the Temple as your next move.

Number of Tavern spaces in the game: 1 ( 1 in the Outer Region; )

Talisman Marker : this symbol marks the space position on the board.
