Tavern Maid

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Tavern Maid

Card info

Character: Tavern Maid

Start: Tavern

Alignment: Good

Strength: 3

Craft: 3

Life: 4

Fate: 4

Special Abilities

  • You start the game with 5 Potion Cards.
  • Whenever you visit the Tavern, you choose which result to use instead of rolling a die.
  • If you move into a space that has any characters, you may end your move there and pour them a drink. If there are 2 or more characters, you choose the order in which you encounter them. The characters must give you 1 gold (if able) and roll 1 die:
  1. 'Generous tip:' Give the Tavern Maid 1 of your Objects
  2. 'Another round!:' Give the Tavern Maid another gold (if able) and roll again on this chart
  3. 'One too many:' Miss your next turn
  4. 'Strange brew:' You take your move as normal next turn, except that the Tavern Maid decides in which direction you move
  5. 'Hearty brew:' Gain 1 life
  6. 'One for the road:' Gain 1 Potion Card

Copies of this Card: 1 ( 1 in The City Expansion; )
