Template:Base Game Card

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This Template is used for cards included only in the Base Game (any type).
For Expansion cards or Base Game Cards reprinted in an Expansion, use the Template Expansion Card.
If a card can be purchased during an encounter, copy and paste the Purchasable template after this one.

{{Base Game Card

Compiling Instructions

|ImageFront= : this field builds a link to an image file that will be displayed on the page. Write the name of the image you want to link, without any file extension (e.g. Angel).

|Title= : this field shows the card's name (e.g. Magic Stream). Leave this field empty for Characters.

|Character= : this field shows the Character's name (e.g. Warrior). It is used only for Characters.

|Deck1= : this field shows the first deck in which the card is included (e.g. Adventure). The template will automatically include the card in the respective category. Adventure Cards shall always be the first deck, if other card decks share this card name. This is a list of the deck categories which can be used here:


|Deck2= : this field either shows the second deck in which the card is included (e.g. Purchase) or is used for decks that appear only in Revised 4th Edition (e.g. Talisman). The template will automatically include the card in the respective category. This is a list of the deck categories which can be used here:


|CardType= : this field shows the card type. This is a list of the sub-types which can be used here:

Magic Object

|SubType= : this field shows the first card sub-type. This is a list of the sub-types which can be used here:




|Start= : this field shows the Character's starting space. It is used only for Characters.

|Alignment= : this field shows the Character's alignment. It is used only for Characters.

|Strength= : this field shows the card's Strength attribute. It is used only for Enemies and Characters.

|Craft= : this field shows the card's Craft attribute. It is used only for Enemies and Characters.

|Life= : this field shows the card's Life value. It is used only for Characters.

|Fate= : this field shows the Character's Fate value. It is used only for Characters.

|CardText= : this field shall contain the card's text. Leave this field empty for Characters.

|SpecialAbilities= : this field shows the Character's Special Abilities. It is used only for Characters.

|EncounterNumber= : this field shows the card's Encounter Number.

|Revised4thEdition= : this field associates the card to Category:Revised 4th Edition and a number shall be added to indicate how many cards with that name are included. If the card is included in more than one deck (e.g. Axe has 1 copy in the Adventure deck and 4 copies in the Purchase Deck), add together the copies from all decks and write the total here.