Warlock's Cave (Cataclysm Board)

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Warlock's Cave (Cataclysm Board)

Space info

Space: Warlock's Cave (Cataclysm Board)

Region: Middle Region (Cataclysm Board)

"You May Accept A Quest"
If you do, draw 1 Warlock Quest. When you complete the quest, the Warlock immediately teleports you back here and gives you a Talisman, if available.
If you already have a Warlock Quest, you may discard it and draw a new one. You may only have 1 Warlock Quest at a time.

Number of Warlock's Cave (Cataclysm Board) spaces in the game: 1 ( 1 in the Middle Region (Cataclysm Board); )

TalismanMarker : this symbol marks the space position on the board.
