Category:Lycanthrope Card
Whenever a character encounters the Werewolf figure or fights a character who has become a lycanthrope, he risks inheriting its curse and becoming a lycanthrope himself. Some of the Adventure Cards in The Blood Moon expansion may also result in a character becoming a lycanthrope.
When a character becomes a lycanthrope, he must take a Lycanthrope Card and place it faceup next to his character card. If a character is instructed to become a lycanthrope and he already has a Lycanthrope Card, the effect is ignored: the character does not take an additional Lycanthrope Card.
The instructions on a Lycanthrope Card are only followed when it is Night; however, the character is still considered a lycanthrope even during the Day. This distinction is important because some encounters affect characters differently if they are a lycanthrope.
If a character is turned into a Toad, he must discard his Lycanthrope Card. If a character who has been turned into a Toad becomes a lycanthrope, his Toad Card and figure change back to his original character's card and figure. He then takes a Lycanthrope Card as normal.