Talisman Wiki:Community Portal

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General Notes

Benjamin added a logo to the side bar and seems to have blocked creation of new spam accounts. --Jon 10:17, 31 March 2012 (UTC)

What you shouldn't do

Please note that the images used on this Wiki are thumbnail-sized intentionally as they are merely there to give a bit more meaning to the card. Please do not upload hi-res scans or original art or they will be removed.

What you should do

Help out!
Make sure any House Rules or FAQ Clarifications are added via the Talk tab for each card or category. Add (FAQ) afterwards for any offical clarifications.
There is plenty of work on internal links in entries to be done...
If anyone knows how to format the main page so it looks a bit nicer, please step forward!

Jon's "Pottering" List

Recently finished adding all Dragon cards and known Blood Moon cards. (Phew)
Combined duplicate cards with differing card text - See Treasure Map for an example.
The only "duplicates" remaining are those that use different art and are not connected - e.g.

Magic Portal & Magic Portal (Spell)
Nightmare (Reaper) & Nightmare (Dungeon)
Leprechaun & Leprechaun (Character)
Werewolf & Werewolf (NPC)

Need to add artwork for Dragon cards.
Look at adding numbers of card repeats, expansion icons and more...--Jon 00:22, 14 April 2012 (UTC)