Warlock's Cave (Base Game Board)

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Warlock's Cave (Base Game Board)

Space info

Space: Warlock's Cave

Region: Middle Region

"You May Roll 1 Die to Accept A Quest"

  1. Take 1 life from another character.
  2. Kill 1 Enemy.
  3. Deliver (discard) 1 Follower.
  4. Deliver (discard) 1 Magic Object.
  5. Deliver (discard) 3 gold.
  6. Deliver (discard) 2 gold.
When you complete the quest, the Warlock immediately teleports you back here and gives you a Talisman, if available, as your reward.

Important Note:
When playing with the Warlock Quest Cards, players must draw the top card from the deck of available Warlock Quests instead of rolling a die to determine which quest they are assigned.

Number of Warlock's Cave spaces in the game: 1 ( 1 in the Middle Region; )

Talisman Marker : this symbol marks the space position on the board.
